Hydro-Québec Partnership

The Quebec Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform (PINQ²) and Hydro-Québec join forces to accelerate energy innovation

Montreal, Quebec, March 25, 2024
– Hydro-Québec becomes a partner of the Quebec Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform (PINQ²). Being the exclusive user of the IBM Quantum System One located at IBM Bromont, PINQ² offers an innovative computing approach to companies wishing to conduct research, opening new perspectives in sectors such as health care, energy, manufacturing industry, environment and sustainable development.

The use of quantum computing will allow Hydro-Québec to explore new approaches to solving complex energy-related problems, such as demand forecasting and the design and operation of more sustainable energy systems. The state-owned company is already working on artificial intelligence algorithms capable of processing a large mass of information and quantum computing could open up even greater opportunities. Quantum information could also support high-performance computing in the field of simulation and discovery of materials, which is currently part of our research work.

Access to this technology is a considerable asset for companies, allowing them to take advantage of the knowledge of an already established quantum ecosystem. “ Hydro-Québec is proud to partner with an NPO that opens the door to research for different sectors of innovation, says Christian Bélanger, Senior Director, Research and Innovation at Hydro-Québec. The energy transition will bring new challenges in the years to come and quantum technologies like that of PINQ2 offer perspectives that we must explore. Boldness and innovation are part of our DNA and we intend to explore the potential of these booming technologies. »

Hydro-Québec is also a founding partner of a leading global research group interested in applications of quantum computing and will collaborate with PINQ² to find solutions to challenges in the sustainable development sector.

We are proud to join forces with a major Quebec partner like Hydro-Québec to explore the possibilities offered by IBM Quantum System One, declared Éric Capelle, general manager of PINQ². By working together, we hope to be able to address the challenges of sustainable development and accelerate energy innovation using quantum computing. »


About PINQ²

The Quebec Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform is a non-profit organization created by the University of Sherbrooke and the Quebec government in 2021. Its mission is to support organizations towards accelerated digital transformation, accentuate collaboration and simplify technology transfer between industry and research, in addition to training the talents of tomorrow.


About Hydro-Québec

Hydro-Québec provides reliable power supply and quality services adapted to the needs of its customers, at competitive prices. By exploiting clean and renewable energy sources, Hydro-Québec contributes to the collective wealth of Quebec while playing a central role in the establishment of a green and sustainable economy. Recognized as a leader in hydroelectricity and large electrical networks, Hydro-Québec helps its neighbors reduce their carbon footprint by promoting the attributes of its energy. Convinced that it is through innovation that everything becomes possible, Hydro-Québec develops cutting-edge solutions and shares its expertise to decarbonize the economy and optimize energy consumption.

To know more 


Press contact Hydro-Québec

Gabrielle Leblanc
Hydro-Québec – Media relations (Technological innovations)
438 823-6685


Media contact - PINQ²

Simon Faucher
Free Zone – Public Relations Advisor
514 402-3873

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