Inauguration of the IBM Quantum System One in Quebec

The Quebec Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform is proud to announce the historic inauguration of an IBM Quantum System One in Bromont.

The commissioning of Quebec's quantum computer consolidates the province's leadership position, promotes research, trains talents and propels Quebec as a world reference in sustainable development

Bromont, Quebec, September 22, 2023 – The Quebec Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform (PINQ²), a non-profit organization (NPO) founded in 2020 by the Quebec Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy (MEIE) and the University of Sherbrooke, are proud to announce, with IBM, the historic inauguration of an IBM Quantum System One in Bromo at IBM Bromont. This event marks a major turning point in the field of IT and for all sectors of innovation in Quebec, making PINQ² the only administrator to inaugurate and operate an IBM Quantum System One throughout Canada. To date, it is one of the most advanced quantum systems in IBM's global fleet of quantum computers.

This new quantum computer in Quebec strengthens Quebec and Canada's position as a force in the rapidly advancing field of quantum computing, opening new perspectives for the technological future of the province and the country. Access to this technology is a considerable asset not only for the DistriQ ecosystem, the quantum innovation zone of Quebec, but also for the Technum Quebec innovation zone, the new “Vallée de la energy transition” and other strategic sectors for Quebec.

In addition to having access to an IBM Quantum System One, the high performance computing center (HPC) installed in the Quartier Humano in Sherbrooke will allow PINQ² to offer a hybrid computing approach. This technological capability will provide businesses with a unique opportunity to access a full range of hybrid quantum computing services. PINQ² provides businesses with a facilitated and seamless experience to assess the potential of digital and quantum technologies and innovations in their existing processes, with a focus on specific sectors such as healthcare, energy, manufacturing. , environment and sustainable development.

“Quebec is today taking a giant step forward in a strategic sector of the future. With the arrival of IBM's quantum computer, a clear message is being sent: the work we are carrying out in our innovation zones DistriQ, in Sherbrooke, and Technum Québec, in Bromont, demonstrates that Quebec has the talent and know-how to become one of the world’s greatest leaders in quantum science.” declared Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Metropolis and the Montreal region

As part of the partnership between PINQ² and IBM announced in July 2023, the two organizations will lead a world-class quantum working group dedicated to exploring quantum computing to develop solutions to sustainability challenges. This working group will be supported by the valuable contributions of the founding members: Hydro-Québec and the University of Sherbrooke through its Quantum Institute.

“In the context of the ongoing energy and digital transitions, the energy sector now has needs for ever more efficient calculations for research and development or the implementation of various applications, and these needs will grow strongly over the over the next few years, added Christian Bélanger, Senior Director, Research and Innovation, Hydro-Québec. As a research center already hard at work facing the challenges of the energy transition, we are convinced that quantum technologies like that of PINQ2 offer promising prospects for the future and significant sources of value in terms of technological solutions. and energy for Hydro-Québec. We of course intend to explore and exploit their potential as these technologies mature. »

“DistriQ's goal is to create the largest commercial quantum research infrastructure in the world,” explained Richard St-Pierre, general manager, DistriQ, Sherbrooke quantum innovation zone. PINQ²'s hybrid quantum computer is a unique and powerful asset to enable companies in the innovation zone to achieve their goals; we are very proud of this partnership. »

Discovery accelerator

PINQ² is currently the only entity to offer access to an IBM Quantum System One located in Canada, and PINQ² positions Quebec as the only other place in the world, outside the USA, to be committed to an IBM Discovery Accelerator combined with its own high-performance computing infrastructure and a quantum computer fully dedicated to industrial research and innovation.

“Quantum computing is accelerating at a rapid pace. This is largely due to a growing global ecosystem that continues to push the boundaries of what is possible,” said Jay Gambetta, vice president of IBM Quantum. “Our partnership with PINQ² to deploy an IBM Quantum System One in Quebec, Canada, marks an important milestone in quantum technological and scientific progress, and enables the region's strong culture of innovation and talent to help push back frontiers of the potential of quantum computing. »

A first Center of Excellence in quantum software development

PINQ² is also proud to announce the creation of its Center of Excellence, which aims to accelerate the adoption of quantum technologies by democratizing access for companies and researchers to PINQ² infrastructures. The Center of Excellence will support an engaged quantum software community by facilitating dynamic use, creation and collaboration, while establishing best practices in software engineering. With a view to the democratization of the quantum universe, the Center of Excellence will develop into a platform offering training possibilities, collaborative work with universities and manufacturers, as well as the development of algorithms in free source code (open source). The École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), as the first partner of this initiative, provides this community with a team of researchers who are collaborating on the democratization of good practices in quantum software.

A “historic turning point” for the province and the country

“At PINQ², our passion for digital and quantum innovation is our driving force,” said Éric Capelle, Managing Director of PINQ². The inauguration of the IBM Quantum System One quantum computer marks a historic turning point for Quebec and Canada. We are proud to play a key role in this technological revolution.

In addition to this news, PINQ² is accelerating its services for businesses. We are associated with a network of Canadian academic partners such as IVADO, the University of Sherbrooke, the University of Saskatchewan, Quantum Algorithms Institute and Concordia University to collaborate with industry and ensure the training of quantum talents.

We are also proud to announce the establishment of a multidisciplinary team to accelerate the development of quantum business solutions through the Center of Excellence in Hybrid Quantum Software Engineering, as well as the deployment on our platform. a first curriculum dedicated to professionals and available for PINQ² clients.”

About PINQ²

The Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform is a non-profit organization created by the University of Sherbrooke and the Ministry of the Economy, Innovation and Energy of Quebec in 2020. Its mission is to support organizations towards accelerated digital transformation, to increase collaboration and simplify technology transfer between industry and research, in addition to training the talents of tomorrow.

About IBM

IBM is a global leader in hybrid cloud and AI and enterprise services provider, helping clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain a competitive advantage in their sectors of activity.

Nearly 4,000 government and enterprise entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM and Red Hat OpenShift hybrid cloud platform to impact their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and safely. IBM's groundbreaking innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and business services provide open and flexible options for our clients. All of this is underpinned by IBM's legendary commitment to trust, transparency, accountability, inclusiveness and service.

For more information, visit the website

About the IBM Quantum System One

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that exploits the laws of quantum mechanics to solve certain problems that today's most powerful supercomputers cannot practically solve. IBM Quantum System One is the first integrated quantum system with a compact design optimized for stability, reliability and continuous use. It has been deployed in a few locations around the world, in Germany, Japan, the United States and now Canada. Its 127-qubit utility processor will deliver improved coherence times and lower error rates than IBM's previous quantum systems.

PINQ² press contacts

Simon Faucher

Marie Foucherot

Katia Moskvitch
+41 78208 9666

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