Opportunity for Quebec businesses: Call for innovation projects in quantum technologies

Are you a company based in Quebec with ambitions to develop a project integrating the technology of quantum calculation? You may be eligible to participate in the call for innovation projects in quantum technologies: collaborative industrial research and support for entrepreneurship.

The call for projects from the Ministry of the Economy, Innovation and Energy for innovation in quantum technologies targets Quebec companies wishing to realize an innovation project resulting from research and development in the following areas:

Thanks to our expertise in quantum computing and the acquisition of our quantum computer IBM Quantum System One Quebec, at PINQ², we are perfectly equipped to assist you in bringing your quantum computing project to fruition, which will effectively support your approach.

It is important to note that the call for projects ends on May 30 at 4:00 p.m.

For more information, consult the full call for projects on the website of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy.

Do not hesitate to contact our team by writing to us at info@pinq2.com.

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